December 2024 Monthly Training Blast - Bullying
For this month’s training blast, we’re unearthing a video from early in our company’s history - AEP’s Director of Education Ted Bourgeois and AEP Instructor Coilin Jones talk about bullying between coworkers in 911 centers. With the high-stress nature of our jobs, friction between coworkers on the floor can result in a situation where one member of the team experiences pestering fro one or more of their coworkers that extends far beyond good-natured ribbing. As a team, it is important that everyone maintains a sense of their place in it; while jokes and pranks are a good way of letting off steam in the workplace, we need to make sure that things do not get out of hand.
Do you have personal anecdotes of bullying and bullying reduction techniques? We want to hear about it! Reach out to us at!
Watch this month’s training blast below, and check out a playlist of all of our training blasts combined.