We'll Be Attending The 2024 Pennsylvania NENA Conference!

PA NENA 911 Logo

We are excited to announce that we’ll have a booth at next month’s Pennsylvania NENA conference in State College, PA! The conference will be from September 18th to the 20th at the The Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center. Come visit us at our booth, where you will be able to talk to our staff members about workshops, consulting, and more. We invite you to visit us, introduce yourself, and ask any questions you might have about our services. We hope to see you there!

From PA NENA’s site, Pennsylvania NENA is a local chapter of the National Emergency Number Association. NENA serves the public safety community as the only professional organization solely focused on 9-1-1 policy, technology, operations, and education issues. With more than 12,000 members in 48 chapters across North America and around the globe, NENA promotes the implementation and awareness of 9-1-1 and international three-digit emergency communications systems. Pennsylvania NENA promotes research, planning, training and education of both public & private sector 9-1-1 professionals.

Visit PA NENA’s site to get more information and register for the conference.