WATCH: A Preview of Our Active Attacker Online Course

Active Attacker Online Course Title Card

While we're still hard at work on our Active Attacker online course, we wanted to give you a short sneak peek at what's in store. In this segment, AEP Director of Education Ted Bourgeois talks about when to disconnect from calls during an active attacker situation. While call-takers in these situations often need to rely on first-hand accounts from callers, difficult decisions must often be made for disconnecting with callers on scene but out of harm's way, and concerned family members of potential victims.

Our Active Attacker online course will be comprised of four 2-hour segments, which can be purchased individually or together in packages of any combination. This video is from the first segment, "Call-Taking Fundamentals", where the role of a call-taker in an active attacker scenario is covered. Stay tuned for more developments from the course!

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