In this amazing four-hour workshop, we will define teaching at its core. Our industry works much harder on documentation than it does on teaching. This workshop will give the attendee real tools to help better define a CTO teaching role. Our program has forty years of teaching experience behind it. We have brought process teaching and daily lesson plan engineering together with proven industry techniques. This is the course for every CTO and FTO in the emergency management field.
We will directly cover process teaching, lesson plan engineering, documentation that works, how to build a task sheet, DOR and its use in teaching, skill building through repetition, and confidence building as a goal.
These topics can be used to build a profoundly more confident trainer. With all of our workshops we look to give real tools to bring back to your center. We look forward to being part of the solutions needed in today’s dynamic industry. The strength of this program is that it dovetails to your already defined programs.