Active Attacker
This well received workshop provides new skills for handling events that are considered "active shooter"/active assailant situations, including workplace shootings, school shootings, spill-over domestic violence, and other large occupancy building shooting scenarios such as shopping centers, sporting events, movie theaters, and hospital shootings. We have taught thousands of call-taking and dispatch professionals on the lessons learned and skills needed by 9-1-1 professionals during school shootings; this course goes to the next level and addresses all types of Active Assailant events. AEP is nationally renowned for our passionate research, and this class has a wealth of supporting media to learn from. We can only move forward as an industry with consistency and hard work, something AEP prides ourselves on.
What would you do if you received a call of a shooting at a local church, factory, transit hub, school or in the town square? Students will learn new call taking, planning, and dispatching skills that they can use immediately. We will not only share the lessons learned, but we will also work through our instructor facilitated problem-solving situations to better prepare any communications professional for quick action.
This eight-hour class is bound to be one of the best classes your staff ever attends. Trainers and Supervisors will learn how to accurately coordinate their staff and understand what notifications and resources may be necessary during events, whether large or small scale in nature. AEP is America's most trusted in-service training provider - we do the homework to present the most professional classes that students can attend. We believe in the attitude of “Lessons Learned” rather than "Shame on You" and we honor the agencies that have handled past events by sharing their accomplishments and their ideas for handling active shooter tragedies with quick, efficient, and compassionate action.
This class is intended for any 911/Emergency Communications Professional, and is designed with information in line with IAED protocols. Don't miss this opportunity to learn lessons, prepare for an active assailant event, and be better educated & prepared for a "high risk, low frequency" event.
This class, like every other block of education we put together, is taught from the perspective of a 911 professional actually in the call-taking or dispatching seat. We aim to provide actual dispatching tools from our experienced 911 professionals.
Class Length:
8 Hours
Target Audience:
Any call taker, dispatcher, trainer, supervisor, or manager.
Law, Fire and EMS responders are welcome to attend. Responders will learn lessons that will help their applications and become better prepared for an active shooter event, and how to work collectively with their communications centers.
All AEP workshops meet the criteria for Public Safety Continued Education hours.
To register in this workshop, visit our workshop calendar. If you have any questions, e-mail or call (401) 344-0054 between 8am-4:30pm Pacific time.